Monday, September 12, 2005

Katrina Aid

I must give Mayor Herenton credit where credit is due. I truly believe that the Mayor understood how he could profit from Hurricane Katrina, and come out looking like a concerned and caring Mayor and citizen. Watching Herenton and his sycophants preening for the cameras, proclaiming that the city would do everything possible to help evacuees from the hurricane area who had arrived in Memphis, one would almost believe that Herenton,, had the best interests of the city and the evacuees in mind. Then, in the aftermath; the reality. When many local organizations started organizing their own relief efforts, Herenton sent his Alaskan lap dog, Kevin Kane, to tell them to stop. "We must have a unified effort to be successful", said Kevie. However, when one looks behind the scenes, one sees the insidious real reason for this. Only when the evacuees go through the system set up by Herenton and company does the city get FEMA money! Trust me, it's all about the Benjamins for Mayor "don't being me no mess". When the local ABC affiliate launched and carried out an incredibly successful effort to gather food and water for the victims, even going so far as to arrange for "Feed The Children" to handle logistics, lackey boy was back on television, telling Memphis to "not send things out of town." Great advice if the disaster were here, but with more than 2,000,000 people affected down south, where do Herenton and the kiss-bootay boys get off trying to hoard everything here for 2000 or so? Remember, it's all about the Benjamins. Here's the crowning jewel. Herenton got the fine folks at Clear Channel Radio to do a full day of shilling for the local Food Bank, ostensibly to fill it to provide food for local evacuees. Here's the punch line to this joke. The Food Bank is over full, arranging for alternate warehousing at a local Schnuck's facility. AND it's under orders to hold off on distributing food to non-city organized shelters. Add in the Red Cross' ineptitude and absolute disregard for anything except lining its own pockets, and you get a wonderful scenario of the Mayor and his butt goyums doing nothing more than, once again, absolutely doing a masterful job of accurately judging the vacuous nature of their constituency. They know the people of Memphis are glad to get down on their knees and swallow anything local policitians will spew. And, you can bet the fine folks at the king of all things TV on Union Avenue will be sucking right along with their viewers. Ain't never seen nothing the Mayor don't like that them there Peacock folks don't just love. I truly believe that, if the Mayor had been the one asking for the assasination of Hugo Chavez, WMC would have done "team coverage" about the merits of the idea. Why the city has such a romance with this second-rate "news" operation, I'll never know.


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