Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Guns In Memphis Restaurants and Bars

It's like a bad headline on Fark.com or something like that. The Tennessee State Legislature is about to approve a bill that will allow people to carry their firearms into restaurants and bars. Damn, I don't think I could make that up if I tried. I'm going to cringe at Kimmel et.al as they get wind of this quintessential dumb southernerner story.

This bothers me on so many levels. I own a rifle. I believe people, if they have clean criminal records, should be able to own a firearm. I am going to teach my eldest child how to safely fire and handle a weapon this summer. So, before you start reading "damned bleeding heart faggot liberal left-wing dickhead" into this, it just ain't true. I'll compare my military service record and firearms qualification medals to yours any day.

I just don't feel safe bringing my children into bars where drunk people are packing. Alcohol breeds arguments, and arguments breed fights and, unfortunately, around here and in many places, especially in the south, fights breed gunfire. For some reason Bubba and homey think guns extend the size of their pee pees, and they have to draw down on people when they get "disrespected." I see it too often; some inebriated jerk kills his friend/son/dad/girlfriend/ho because the shooter was offended by something somebody said.

Don't we teach our children the old "sticks and stones" deal? My mom always said, "profanity is the crutch of feeble minded people." Well, since I sometimes spew f-bombs like the former jock and Marine I am, I guess feeble is as feeble does, Forrest. But most of the people I know, people who've never been inside a cage at 201 or robbed a convenience store because "the man keeping me down" are like me, they've never had the urge to light somebody up with a Glock nine. In Memphis an f-bomb, especially if it's attached to a remark about somebody's bitch, can lead to a hail of lead. It's stupid. It's ridiculous. It's embraced by the local culture. And it's exactly why I won't take my family into any local establishment that allowed guns. When one lives in a city where the Mayor talks about kicking somebody's ass if they don't stop "bringing him mess" well, I don't see much of a future for the intelligent and strong minded.

The law allows bars and restaurants to post signs that prohibit guns. It says that, if you've been drinking before you hit the pub, you can't carry the gun inside the restaurant. It says the restaurant can't serve alcohol to you if you're packing. Do you REALLY think any of this is enforceable? Do you really think the bars will try?

What are the imbeciles and morons in Nashville thinking? OK, stupid question. It's all about a powerful firearms lobby and weak lawmakers who won't stand up to anybody if they throw around enough money. The legislature is about to pass more laws to hide the way government does business. It's about to let that drunk redneck bring his .45 and sit next to you. Have fun with that. And, when dude starts firing off a few caps because he got pissed off about something infantile and ridiculous, and your children get that wonderful feeling that comes from seeing people bleeding and dying in front of them, send a little thank you note to Nashville. Address it to "stupid bastards at the state capitol". It will get there, no problem.


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