Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hizzoner is an excellent politician

Diversion. It's a legal term for what happens if you don't have a long criminal record and a judge has pity on you. It means you can go get counseling, do community service, or whatever and you eventually get your arrest record cleared.

Diversion is also a technique that smart politicians use to deflect criticism and get people to look the other way while things continue to spiral downward.

Mayor Herenton is a master of diversion. When the city was clamoring about the FBI investigation, Hizzoner manufactured a tale that said he would consider "retiring" as mayor. He said he wanted to become Superintendent of the Memphis City Schools. He had no more intention of doing this than he has of giving up on the under the table payments that, according to witnesses in recent corruption trials, he's getting.

As a new federal prosecutor is about to get appointed for the Memphis area, Herenton concocted a tale that said he might run for congress against Steve Cohen. Do you think maybe this was to put pressure on Cohen, who has a key role in appointing the prosecutor? Herenton wants someone who might be sympathetic to his lying, cheating, swindling, manipulating ways. In other words, he wants one of his homeys. By putting pressure on Cohen, Herenton hopes to get such a person as the new federal prosecutor. This, of course, is because Hizzoner sees the FBI investigative circle tightening.

Now Herenton announces that Lebonheur Children's Hospital will "partner" with the city to process rape kits when juveniles are victims. It's a brilliant political move. Lebonheur is, deservedly so, looked upon as one of the better children's hospitals in the United States. Having it involved in this will make the process speed up, guarantee accuracy, and give victims the kind and speedy treatment they are not getting now through the Rape Crisis Center, which is administered by the office of the Mayor.

By the way, did anyone else notice that half of all rape victims in Shelby County are children? Where is the outrage?

Herenton has survived one political crisis after another, and the list is a long one. But the outcry over the Rape Crisis Center is something new. It's across racial lines. It's bipartisan.

Now, of course, our chicken doo-doo City Council won't confront the Mayor and say, "well, the person you put in charge, that convicted felon (really) that had no experience who you are paying in excess of $100k per year is destroying the thing and you appointed her so it's on your watch so you should take responsibility".

The City Council has Janis Fullilove. 'Nuff said.

But Herenton is a smart politician. He feels the heat on this one. He knows this is something that is actually eroding his base support, and to do that takes a lot. It's been coming. When Hickory Hill got hit by a tornado last year Hizzoner did nothing to help. He didn't go out to see people, he didn't walk through the neighborhood to reassure people and tell them the city would help.

No, he did nothing, which is pretty much a metaphor for his leadership over the last few years. Nothing except for make himself rich, or course.

Even now, more than a year later, trash is still piled up in Hickory Hill, storm debris that still has not been cleared by the city.

And the Mayor's trash is piling up as well. As his appointees continue to fail, to screw the public pooch, the heat is finally turning up. The Rape Crisis Center is a vital organization, and it can no longer get its work done in time to help catch crooks or help sooth the wounds of victims. Yolanda McFagdon used to lead the Mayor's program to hire convicts and help them work for the city. She is uniquely qualified for this job as she, herself, is a convicted felon. She and her boyfriend liked to sell drugs, you see, or at least the boyfriend did. And she got caught hiding his stash in her house. Yet the Mayor has made her the head of the Rape Crisis Center.

Speaking of metaphors, how ironic that the Rape Crisis Center crisis is resonating with the people of Memphis, as rape is pretty much how I would describe what Hizzoner has done to all of us over the years.

At any rate, Herenton has now managed to draw attention away from all of the outcry by getting Lebonheur into the fold. He is like Houdini, a master political escape artist who knows how to pull the correct strings to divert attention away from himself. And, of course, Janice Broach and the rest of the local lapdog media won't say a damned thing about it. After all, if you're inviting lawmakers to your home for parties and promising no negative coverage, how can you go after them when they screw up? I am NOT making that up. One of the local News Directors does this.

Today the City Council will have the opportunity to grill the Mayor. It won't happen. They'll nod and say, "yes sir" and the city will continue to suffer through this latest crisis.

I ask again, when will you, as a voter in Memphis, wise up and fight this junk? You got what you deserved in who you elected. What are you going to do about it? The resounding answer for most is "nothing". Apathy, thy name is the Memphis electorate. Herenton understands this, and he knows how to energize his base, his "41% solution" which Bluto calls it.

This time, though, things feel a bit different. If the City Council actually grows a few pairs, and puts the heat on Hizzoner, then the outrage, which is righteous on this issue, will continue to grow.

There is finally an issue that can bring accountability to the Mayor's office. But it's going to take some loud and forceful voices of all colors. How about, for once, we all do the right thing and reveal the Emporer's new clothes? You read that book when you were a child, back when your parents were trying to teach you right from wrong. OK, in Memphis, a lot of parents were teaching you how to clean a handgun and rob a convenience store.

But for some of us the difference between right and wrong has blurred over the years. Few issues crystalize it like the Rape Crisis Center crisis. You have a city administration that has destroyed a vital institution. You have a Mayor who appointed an unqualified criminal to head one of the area's most important entities. Very few things, in politics or in life, are as clear.

Call your city council member RIGHT NOW and demand action. The number is 901-576-6786.

Or watch as things get even worse. Now is the time, and you have a chance to make a difference. What are you going to do? You can stop a rape. Do it. If you don't, you're just as guilty as McFagdon and Hizzoner. Mull that one over for a minute. Then make the call.


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