You're not a real Christian if you think you're smarter than God
I am a Christian. Let's get that out there right off the top. I believe that I am saved by grace and grace alone. I believe that Christ died for my sins. I believe the Bible is the infallible word of God. And judging by today's world that last sentence sets me apart from, oh, about 75 percent of Americans today.
I am absolutely amazed by how many people think they are smarter than God. I am constantly dumbfounded by those who think they can pick the things they like from the Bible, use them, and then discard the things they find inconvenient or, "just not right with today's world".
The last I checked God hadn't given anyone permission to write anything new in the Bible in, oh, about 2000 years. Never mind Joe Smith and those wacky Mormons, who have written their own King James version of the Bible, and "another testament of Jesus Christ" (the Book of Mormon). But other than that I have not yet read a missive from God who said, "Hey, y'all, it's time for some new commandments so, yo, just take what you want out of my word and just throw the rest in the dumpster." I haven't even heard Fox News proclaim that, and we all know that if God had said it, Fox News would have the exclusive. Or not.
By now you wonder what spawned today's self-righteous rant. Today Bluto Blutarski is trying to come to grips with two new developments. First, the headline from the local fish wrap from Monday that said, "Catholics fawn over Obama visit to Notre Dame" or something like that. And the other is lingerie model, turned Christian, turned Miss USA Carrie Prejean.
Let's get this straight (bad choice of words considering the subject). Carrie Prejean showed a slutty side posing semi-nude for pictures. That was NOT in keeping with Christian teachings. The Bible does not say, "show thy breasts for a photographer so you can make money or satisfy some sort of carnal craving, as it's all good." The Bible also doesn't say anything about implants. It does talk about loving your body and treating it as a temple.
And, like it or not, women who get implants are not treating their bodies as temples. They do it for one main reason, vanity. And the Bible talks a lot about vanity and how bad that is. But, hey, the Bible shouldn't be taken literally, should it? I mean, if I want implants I should be able to buy them. After all, I want men (or women for that matter) to ogle my breasts. Inconveniently, the Bible also talks about lust. The Bible, which is God's word, clearly says: "lust-bad". But that's inconvenient.
Oh, I got my implants for my husband. Sorry, doesn't fly. The Bible commands husbands to love their wives as they love God. God don't got no implants. And if your husband wants you to get implants because he doesn't like your boobs, is he really a man of God and worth having as a husband? But this isn't about implants.
Carrie Prejean is a sinner. So am I. And, as you read this, so are you. We all sin. But God forgives us if we truly are sorry and we have faith in Him. It's a truly miraculous thing. To give you an idea of how strong this declaration is, I recall one of my favorite stories a former Muslim told me.
He knew a Muslim man who was struggling with his faith. He'd been studying Christianity and was considering converting. His family, all Muslims, had told him he would be disowned, which falls slightly short of the "dismembered" or "disemboweled" that many Muslims get from other Muslims if they convert. So, the Muslim man was struggling. He met with a Christian Pastor to talk about things.
The Pastor asked him, "if you do all you are commanded by the Koran, are you sure you will go to heaven when you die?" The Muslim man shrugged and said, "if Allah wills." The Pastor opened his Bible to John 3:16 and said, "if you have faith, you are saved by His grace and you will know, with absolute certainty, that you will go to heaven when you die."
He's right. God knows, because he made us, that we are incapable of leading sinless lives. We are all sinners.
So, Carrie Prejean sinned. Let's not try to defend her actions. Women who pose nude or semi-nude sin. Period. End of argument. But that's also not the point here. Carrie Prejean spoke out, and is speaking out, because she believes what the Bible says about homosexuality.
The Bible is crystal clear on the gay lifestyle. Homosexuality is a sin. And, if homosexuals don't repent and ask forgiveness, they're doomed. Gay marriage is against Biblical teachings. So Prejean speaks the truth and now she is being crucified by the media, especially entertainment media, and Hollywood. They're dragging up her slutty pictures and saying, "wow, who is she to talk about us?" Prejean didn't do herself any favors with her pictures. She doesn't have a Lilly white "bully pulpit" to stand on. She doesn't need one.
If one studies the Apostles, some of them were HUGE sinners before they met Christ. Now, Prejean is no Peter, Paul, Luke, or John. But she IS speaking the truth. The truth is just that. It never changes. It never alters. It stays constant. And most people don't want to hear the truth because it forces them to look into their own, personal, mirror and show them the flawed reflection that their lives have become. They would rather not look inwardly and simply continue on their paths. Having God looking over your shoulder is inconvenient for some, as they feel they have to either defend their actions or say, "well, I'm doing the best I can and in today's world some of that stuff just doesn't apply." I actually had a Methodist minister tell me not long ago that the Bible was for the past, and it's up to us today to interpret it by today's standards. I am NOT making that up.
Let's go back to where I started today. Christianity is NOT situational. You either have Christian values or you don't. So, if the Miss USA pageant takes away Prejean's title, it is absolutely the duty of every Christian to boycott the Miss USA Pageant. Believe me, the AC Nielsen company will know you did it. Even if the numbers don't fall because gays and their allies watch in record numbers, Nielsen will still know where the households were that watched and know the makeup of those households. And if you're reading anything written or done by "Perez Hilton" (in quotes as it's his pseudonym) you're supporting his stand for gay marriage, the gay lifestyle, and everything he's doing to persecute Prejean.
Now, back to our President. He visits Notre Dame. Catholics swoon. The last time I checked, Roman Catholics are supposed to be passionately opposed to abortion. During the presidential campaign many priests spoke out and told Catholics not to vote for Obama because he is pro-abortion. Let's not PC this argument and call it "pro-choice", please. You're either in favor of legal abortion or you're not.
So, Catholics are choosing to ignore their own doctrine, turn the other cheek if you will, and follow Obama.
When, exactly, did we get smarter than God? Where was the turning point where America, and Americans, suddenly got the keys to the kingdom, and the right to interpret the Bible any which way that suits our whim and whimsy?
I love my country, but this sickens and frightens me. Americans feel it's OK to do whatever as long as it puts money into our pockets, makes life a little easier or, more importantly, allows us to turn away and not have to think about how much we're violating God's word.
I am just one voice in the wilderness. But I see these things as clarion calls to we Christians who want to do the right thing. Ethics are not situational, and being a Christian isn't either. I tell my children that doing the right thing is not always easy. As a matter of fact, it's downright hard sometimes especially when doing the wrong thing is so easy and nobody will notice. But the right thing is always the right thing. And somebody does notice.
It's inconvenient for people to hear or read this, but God notices. And, in the end, that's what matters. You can't live a life of sin and expect salvation. You can't simply pick and choose from God's laws and expect Him to save you. It doesn't work that way. God doesn't expect you to be perfect. He only expects you to believe, repent, and try to live a good life.
Yes, this was preachy and I am not normally that way. But Bluto understands there must be many voices crying in the wilderness right now.
If you have read any of my previous posts, you know Bluto Blutarski despises dishonesty, disloyalty, and disingenuousness. But what Bluto feels is irrelevant. What's in YOUR heart, mind, and soul? God knows. Think about that and the consequences as you think about whether you should take a stand for God's law. And, if you think the Bible is simply something written by a bunch of white guys that no longer applies, well, have fun with eternity.
Amen, brother.
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