Herenton yet again
OK, I've been absent awhile. But the latest Willie BS has forced me to come back. It's not about The Mayor. It's about the media. I only saw one local TV News Department, ABC24 Eyewitness News, not do the marionette thing and go all ga-ga over Hizzoner's latest histrionics. Will Herenton run for Congress? I'd almost be willing to bet a testicle that the answer is no, and never was "yes". Say anything you want about Herenton, from his unabashed arrogance, to the possibility of large-scale corruption. But in the same conversation you must also give PhD his props. He is a very wise politician. He knows how to get 41% of of Memphis engaged, enraged, and racially charged when he needs to get out the vote or he needs an infusion of positive vibe. He also knows the media will turn cartwheels when he pees. By making his congressional "announcement" he COMPLETELY deflected criticism or analysis of his incredibly unrealistic "balanced" budget. His budget is no more balanced than my weight vs. my height, yet here was the incredibly incompetent Memphis media ignoring that important story and simply going orgasmic all over its collective self over whether it will be the philanderer vs. the closeted in the 9th district in 2010. OK, so maybe the closeted is also a fooling-arounder, but I digress. Herenton knows his power to manipulate the local media, a herd of nincompoops that rivals hormonal lemmings when it comes to following his every word, utterance, or drool. Now, here's where a brother has to dish on the locals. People, wake the f--k up. WMC is not the bastion of all things holy. WREG is not the harbinger of hope (or accuracy for that matter). As long as Memphians keep consuming the huge dish of televised crap that those two pass off as newscasts, and keep punching the Nielsen meters and filling out the Nielsen diaries, Memphis will keep getting the inferior and utterly, well, crappy brand of news they force-feed to us. They know we're too stupid to change the channel. And there are options out there. You just have to be willing to stop eating BS. And stop eating the Herenton BS and saying it tastes like a fine fillet.